What are the thing you would like to achieve by this time next year? What in your working, spiritual, physical, financial and emotional life would you really like to change? Thinking about these things is great but having an action plan is better!
We have all been taught that goals need to be S.M.A.R.T Specific Have a detailed analysis of exactly what you would like to achieve. List as many details as possible and be precise about what you are trying to accomplish. The more detailed the goal the better the chance of reaching the desired result Measurable Can I measure of quantify the goal? If it is to lose weight your goals should specifically indicate how much weight. If it is to run daily, then how far? Attainable Can I reach this goal? Do I have the skills required to achieve it? Realistic Is this goal based in reality or is it pie in the sky? Can this actually be done? Timely By when exactly do I want to have this completed? These core elements of goal setting are widely documented and very effective. In addition I would suggest that you incorporate some visual components. The brain likes visual input and responds better to a picture of what you are trying to achieve than mere words. Take time daily to review your goals. Make them the focus of your day. We achieve our biggest goals by taking small actions daily to reach them. It is no use dreaming, there needs to be activity. Break down the major goal into baby steps. The old saying of how do you eat an elephant applies. You eat an elephant one bite at a time. Is your goal aligned with your values and your life purpose? Do you know what your purpose is? Have you taken the time to analyses your values? All this information inputs into creating successful goals and ultimate achievement and I strongly recommend that you take the time to do a stock take of your life. Here are some questions to get you started: 1. What is really working in my life at the moment? 2. What am I grateful for? 3. What are the important roles that I have in my life? 4. What is my physical, financial, emotional and spiritual life like? 5. What have you been putting off doing in your life? 6. What are the problems you really need to address? 7. What are you passionate about? 8. What is important to you? 9. What characteristics do you most admire in others? 10. How disciplined are you currently? 11. How do you define success? When you really examine the questions above you will identify not only what you need to work on but what is really important to you. I encourage you to have at least 3 goals each year with one BIG HAIRY one that really challenges you! It’s not good enough to have goals you also need to have an action plan to make it happen, loads of discipline and drive to get you through the rough patches and motivation. Good luck with executing on your goals!
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October 2024
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